Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Well, spring is finally here! There are days that I wonder if it will really stick around as the mornings can be very cool but we are seeing 70 degree days! And I have things popping up in the garden. We extended the garden a lot this year and even have some separate rows of corn.
The white is shredded paper on top of our potatoes.

The cows are doing fine. Britney, the milk cow, is now giving us almost 2 gallons of milk a day but she is not happy with the fact that her baby is roaming the yard and not with her. The baby, Annabelle, is weaned and is like a pet to everyone. She is really beautiful. We will keep her and breed her so that we will have 2 milking cows. Here she is under the crabapple tree.

The second milk cow we had gotten this winter did not last but about 2 weeks here. She was very hard to handle and would not let us milk by hand. Jeffrey still has his cow, Hazel, but will be selling her soon.

The chickens are giving us 3 dozen eggs a day. I sell them at the dairy and to church members. Not sure if I'll replace any of these this year but I will be buying meat birds soon and this will keep us busy most of the summer. We are adding guineas and ducks to our order this year.

And in celebration of the warmer weather we have started going to the lake again with and without the kids. We took them Sunday to ride bikes, roller blade and scooter. Joe will receive First Holy Communion this weekend. He is very anxious for this! Well, that is all the "terra" news. As to the other personal family news, email me! It would be too much to try to post here. Busy days ahead. Hopefully I will keep the blog updated now!

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