Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week

Here we are.  Holy Week again.  It seems the time went so quickly.  And it appears to really be spring!  Such beautiful weather this the upper 70s!!!! 

We celebrating MC's birthday due to her's being during Lent and this year during Holy Week.  She turns 10 on the 31st!
Happy birthday dear Mary.....

And her wish came MP3 player!

We also attended a baby shower for Lynlee and little Natalie.  I hope that she DOES have a girl or my grandson will be dressed in pink for a LONG time!  There were lots of awesome gifts.  Lynlee's favorite one was the LSU diaper cover that NeeNee sent.  Ok...maybe that is wishful thinking on my part but she looks happy, doesn't she????

Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Days of Spring

The first days of spring are not giving one the feeling of spring.  Instead it feels like fall.  We had a snowfall Friday gathering 1-3 inches.  It is melted now but still chilly.  However, the sun is out in full force without a cloud in the sky.  So with the fire blazing indoors it feels like fall.  I liked the picture above as you really "feel" the idea of spring by the fact that the wood pile is down to almost nothing now.   The picture of the crab apple blossoms are from last spring.  It gives me something to look forward to.

We had parent teacher conferences last week.  Good reports on everyone.  We have straight A and honor roll students.  The thing that is most pleasing is how well they are liked by the teachers.  Jeffrey had his first rugby game today and we are waiting for his phone call to report his results.  Mattie had her honor choir concert yesterday at Boys Town.  It was VERY impressive.  Bishop Neumann was recognized for their overall GPA. 

We took the kids to see Alice in Wonderland last weekend.  It was okay but I was not that impressed.  Joseph had a hard time sitting for the whole thing.  And Jerome just wanted to know where they got that "big TV".

Speaking of Jerome, he asked me the other day if dad really got a head injury when he was playing football.  I said yes, referring to a concussion.  He asked " that why he's crazy????"  I laughed and asked him if he thought dad was crazy and he said, "yes!!!  when he gets mad he is REAL crazy!"  Out of the mouth of babes.

The eagles are down at the lake.  I mean the birds....not the band!  I'm heading down there today....or tomorrow....or the next day....hoping for pictures.  We had to get rid of the dog.  She would not stay on the property no matter what we did.  The neighbors were always complaining.  Then she was shedding all over the house and there are a few that live here who have allergies.  Also got rid of my fish tank and fish.  Life is just a little more simple....NICE!

Happy spring!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Melting Away

We can see the ground.  It's nasty and muddy but it's not white!!!  There are patches of snow in shady areas but for the most part it is gone.  We discovered 2 pairs of boots, 7 hats, 3 pairs of gloves, 2 stray gloves, a baseball, a pair of socks, and lots of trash under the snow.  Next weekend is spring and we are expected to get into the 50s!  I hope the spring pictures will be posted in a few weeks but for now it's too ugly to take many photos.  I just took the one above this morning out the front door. 

We have a surprise for the children today.  Every year with tax money we do something special with them since we can't afford vacations.  Today we are taking them to see "Alice in Wonderland" at the theater.  Some of my children have never been in a theater!  I can't wait to see their reaction.  Gotta get home early and set the clock forward losing an hour of sleep!  That is a bummer! 

Jeffrey called last night.  It was the feast day of St. Gregory the Great.  And he had awesome news!  He made the varsity rugby team......#20!  He was so excited.  Will post more later about our movie adventure!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moving Away

I forgot some of the best and at the same time saddest news of late.  Justin has been offered a wonderful job in PA.  It is a really awesome offer.  He and Lynlee are moving to Philly at the beginning of April.  The sad thing is that they will be so far away and I will not be able to see the baby as soon as she is born but he will not be far from Jeffrey.  So next May when Jeffrey graduates we can have a great visit with our first grandbaby.  Congratulations, Justin.  We are so proud of you!  Make us proud!!!

Spring snow

Yes, we have a wet slushy nasty Louisiana snowfall today. We woke to the ground covered with something white and very wet. YUCK! I suppose the only word for it is snow. And it's in the forecast for the whole week. And, joy of joy, ALL the children are out of school tomorrow. I have thrown my hands in the air and refuse to do any housecleaning as I know it is useless at the moment.

On a sad (sadder) note, we got word that our milk cow we recently sold has died. It was a strange feeling. We were all so touched by her. She gave us so much milk, cream and butter. She was a good cow! We sold her because of the cost of hay to feed her through the very hard winter we had but we had hoped we could buy her back. So it was a sad thing to hear.

Jeffrey has recovered from the chicken pox and is hitting it hard on the rugby field. They have their first game this weekend. I signed all the little ones up for swim lessons that start on Holy Thursday. Isn't that my luck???? And Jerome will start a pint sized Picasso class every week.

Please pray for a new job possibility for Dave. It is VERY needed. Until next time.......from Terra with love!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Wow! What a difference a week makes!!!! 70% of the snow has melted leaving a horrible muddy mess but we are warming up. Things are brown and muddy but there is an excitement in the air just knowing that spring is around the corner. I don't think we are out of the woods as far as snowfall. We usually get a good snowstorm in March so we will see. But at least we will be comforted by the fact that anything that falls will not stay around very long.

We got the kitchen cabinets and counter top installed and it looks great. Now we need to get the upper cabinets as soon as we can afford it. The boys got new bunk beds. We ripped the carpet up in that room and painted the floor. Now we are converting the old dining room/playroom into a big walk-in pantry and storage/mud room.

We are half way through Lent, Deo Gratias! Easter is not far away. Jeffrey will be home in 3 1/2 weeks. Life is good today!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Valentine's Day

I forgot to post the pictures of our Valentine's Day table. It was so pretty....and spring looking! Made one forget it was frigid and snowy outside. And it was a great kickoff to the sweets right before Lent.
Getting ready for summer. We bought a YMCA and zoo membership so the kids will be doing a lot of those things this summer. We also will still go to the lake as often as possible. And I will be back in therapy at Madonna with Joseph. And.....ORDINATIONS! We have two families coming up for that and probably another one for the day. I can't wait for that! That is like our family reunion every year!!!!! So..... busy summer.
Less than 5 weeks of Lent left!!!! Easter is around the corner. We will be having guests right after Easter and that will be fun. I feel, smell, and taste spring in the air.