Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eyes on March

Yes, our eyes are on March. We are hoping and praying for a warmer month. March will be an exciting month for many reasons. Warmer weather, melting snow, and Jeffrey coming home for a visit.....Mary Clare turning 10....lots to look forward to. Above is Amy and Mattie at the pro-life march in downtown Lincoln. It was cold but not the coldest march we had attended. But....not the warmest either.

Jeffrey attended the March for Life in D.C. A photographer caught him in this shot as the St. Gregory boys were building two pyramids from which the top guys juggled back and forth to one another and then waved the St. Gregory flag. I was so excited when I did a google search and pulled this up! On the down side of things, Jeffrey broke out in chicken pox last week. He was very sick with them. He is doing much better now but says the ones in his throat are still causing him problems.
Mary Clare has joined the staff of the school newspaper and is enjoying going to her weekly journalism classes. She is the star of her class. Her teachers can not brag enough on her. Not only does she get top scores in all her lessons but her attitude and behavior has won all the teachers over. She loves writing but likes to draw as well.
Jerome has been enjoying going to the YMCA three times a week with mom. He goes to a daycare in the Y which he likes to call school. He, too, has won the teachers over. Some days when we have extra time he goes for a dive in the pool. I don't think he has ever even gotten his head wet! He runs around chasing a ball I throw him until he is good and exhausted then we head home. He has a nice long nap and mom gets a little work done. Works nicely!

The children had a snow day last week so what did we do? We ALL went swimming. Bernadette had a good time. She is a smart little whip. She loves to read. Read and color, color and read. She has also gotten a little on the feisty side. Hmmm, reminds me of someone else we used to call "warthog". Looks just like her too!

And the of TODAY.......Mattie won 3rd place in the talent show at school. She played her violin and was wonderful! I thought she should have won but......guess that is why they didn't call me to judge. She was as proud as could be and I don't blame her. It was some stiff competition.
So tomorrow is the last day of February and we can look forward to warm spring days in March.....right? Snow melting......grass opened with a gentle breeze????? At least we can hope and pray. Until then, this is latest news from Terra Benedicta.

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