Monday, March 1, 2010

Valentine's Day

I forgot to post the pictures of our Valentine's Day table. It was so pretty....and spring looking! Made one forget it was frigid and snowy outside. And it was a great kickoff to the sweets right before Lent.
Getting ready for summer. We bought a YMCA and zoo membership so the kids will be doing a lot of those things this summer. We also will still go to the lake as often as possible. And I will be back in therapy at Madonna with Joseph. And.....ORDINATIONS! We have two families coming up for that and probably another one for the day. I can't wait for that! That is like our family reunion every year!!!!! So..... busy summer.
Less than 5 weeks of Lent left!!!! Easter is around the corner. We will be having guests right after Easter and that will be fun. I feel, smell, and taste spring in the air.

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