Saturday, October 2, 2010

Packing It Up

The fun part of moving.....packing.  I feel like I should be on that TV show "Hoarders".  How did this stuff get in my house????  I am giving things away, throwing things away, doing whatever I have to in order for it to disappear!  We are down to 2 weeks and I can hardly wait! 

We have a new member of the family.  Genevieve is 8 weeks old and came into our family today.  We wanted to get a puppy for the kids since we are moving to a house that will be safer for a dog.  This house was too close to the road and Vidalia got a little too close to the garbage truck.  Genevieve is a Great Pryness/Lab mix and is the sweetest most gentle puppy I have ever seen.  She played outside with the children all day and I think is making herself at home.

The weather has turned frosty and very cool.  Fall is officially here with leaves turning gold and red and apples ripe on the tree.  We gave the chicken flock to the sisters and will start over once we get settled in the new house.  T-Bone will be heading to the butcher Tuesday.  We will have some tasty T-bones on the table in our new house.  Brisket needs to be fattened up a little more so he is moving with us.  The ducks will be looking for a new home or they will end up in the freezer. 

Autumn will see many changes for our family.  The next few weeks will be busy but exciting!!!

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