Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring snow

Yes, we have a wet slushy nasty Louisiana snowfall today. We woke to the ground covered with something white and very wet. YUCK! I suppose the only word for it is snow. And it's in the forecast for the whole week. And, joy of joy, ALL the children are out of school tomorrow. I have thrown my hands in the air and refuse to do any housecleaning as I know it is useless at the moment.

On a sad (sadder) note, we got word that our milk cow we recently sold has died. It was a strange feeling. We were all so touched by her. She gave us so much milk, cream and butter. She was a good cow! We sold her because of the cost of hay to feed her through the very hard winter we had but we had hoped we could buy her back. So it was a sad thing to hear.

Jeffrey has recovered from the chicken pox and is hitting it hard on the rugby field. They have their first game this weekend. I signed all the little ones up for swim lessons that start on Holy Thursday. Isn't that my luck???? And Jerome will start a pint sized Picasso class every week.

Please pray for a new job possibility for Dave. It is VERY needed. Until next time.......from Terra with love!

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