Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week

Here we are.  Holy Week again.  It seems the time went so quickly.  And it appears to really be spring!  Such beautiful weather this the upper 70s!!!! 

We celebrating MC's birthday due to her's being during Lent and this year during Holy Week.  She turns 10 on the 31st!
Happy birthday dear Mary.....

And her wish came MP3 player!

We also attended a baby shower for Lynlee and little Natalie.  I hope that she DOES have a girl or my grandson will be dressed in pink for a LONG time!  There were lots of awesome gifts.  Lynlee's favorite one was the LSU diaper cover that NeeNee sent.  Ok...maybe that is wishful thinking on my part but she looks happy, doesn't she????


Cambria said...

Hmmm... did it work? If not, all I said was- I was there for those pictures!! Happy Birthday, Mary Clare! See you soon, Cambria

Melissa said...

Sorry, Cam. I have the setting on moderate so no one leaves any ugly comments. You know....maybe someone who actually KNOWS my children! LOL Glad you were here to share Mary Clare's special day. We can't wait until you come out for another visit!!!!